Happy 5th, My Blog!

Alhamdulillahi robbil'alamin.

First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for the past five years. It has been so adventurous years I ever experienced. It also has been so adventurous for my blog that I created five years ago. It records me right when I started living in a new city far away from my hometown, for the sake of my education until now. I had so many stories here, from those are less meaningful to those are extremely meaningful.

Well, I always call my blog readers as surfers. It means para peselancar in Bahasa Indonesia. Why? It is simply because all of you are surfers in this cyberspace. And when you come to my blog, you are actually not only reading but also trying to understand, trying to think what meaning I wanted to tell you through my writings. You are trying to understand me. And I am super grateful for that.

And then, I realized that this Susu Cokelat Panas is a little bit (well if I am allowed to say that tho) passive for the recent two years. It did not even post anything in 2017. That is so sad, to be honest. And if you all wonder why, we are actually wondering the same thing. Weird, huh?

Anyway, what I am trying to tell you, all my surfers, is that I am really grateful to have you here, to have you who choose to stay here and always come back. I am really grateful to have you who keep supporting me to keep lightening this blog, to keep writing, and to keep sharing with you all. I am really grateful to have you who have become my inspiration to write, and even to start writing. Thanks a million. ☺️
All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/f_scott_fitzgerald_396790?img=5


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